Lies a space within -
gift of mother and sister -
heritage of womanhood -
that I visit and that visits me.
Lies in me a knowledge,
a journey– a landscape.
It is a tale offered with love.
It reveals a secret bewilderment -
in which I move freely -
light as air.
I move within -
It moves within -
female companion.
Very young I understood
That we all had within,
our gender counterpart.
That we are shells
containing the other one.
How can one not be mesmerized
by what we appear not to be,
yet palpitates with such beauty.
I hurt and rejoice
of such evanescent presence,
so that I cannot behave otherwise
than to partake with your mystery.
This womanhood in me
is key to loving you, woman.
You know this, do you?
Of course you do.